
Voter ID Volunteer

  We are facing the real chance of voter fraud up in the millions in this midterm election. Otherwise would there be such a fight to keep voter ID out. When you need an ID in every aspect of our daily lives.

Lets take a look at the possibility of would COULD easily happen and how. This is only to bring awareness, not selling paranoia. There is a big difference.

Obama administration has brought thousands illegals from Syria alone. Without going through customs, giving each the sum of $10,000.00 pockets money. Found housing, foodstamps and free healthcare. The same was done with several thousands from other middle east and Africa. We have seen the invasion on our southern border. Being flown by the feds throughout the U.S.

Obama is setting for the right moment very soon. While everyone is looking at Ebola. Over a week end when congress can do nothing to block him. He will sign full amnesty along with full citizenship. Making them able to vote. And who do you think all these invaders are going to vote for? Hostile take over of the U.S.

What do we do? Wake up your friends and family that just blow of the vote. Get them registered, get em to the polls. Wake up all your church’s and those members. They can no longer set this one out from fear of losing their tax exemption. They will lose a lot more in freedom to worship and carry Gods word.

Last but not least. When you go to the polls, proclaim your self as a U.S. Constitution Defender. Show your ID even if not required.  Say and show it loud you won’t allow your nation to be overthrown. Call and write all of your state and federal officials. Just make some kind of positive stand.

See you at the polls. And once again I do hope I am wrong. But have called to many things that have happened.
