Masters of Distraction Never Give Up

By all means we need to be aware of everything Ms. Clinton is trying to slide by the probe into Benghazi ivestigators. Her ever e-mail is no longer private when it contains matters of our nation and it security. And should be dealt with by every means allowed by law.

We can not afford to take our eyes off the center of this multi headed dragon. All of these treasonous and scandalous acts lay at many doors steps. Each leading to the Oval Office.  (or golf course)

Its been said Obama and his administration is trying to discredit the Clinton’s. Well hell yeah. Not that she needs help exposing her dishonesty or lack of good ethics. But it sure takes the eyes and heat off of the massive amount of destruction Obama..ok (p)resident Obama has done, will do and is still doing.

We can’t seem to wake Americans up. The major media will follow what ever string the White House pulls without question.

I am going to give a short cut here. That isn’t a short cut at all with all the reading involved. These are sites to help you open the eyes of others. Spread the word..

Please by all means reply. Become proactive. Here are some of the reasons for the intended distractions. These are a very small part. If nothing here moves you to some kind of positive action you have surrendered.


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